Broken Link Checker Tool

FeedBack #31, By: Breeze

Hey Dead Link Checker Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for your wonderful tool, the Dead Link Checker. It's been like a magnifying glass for my website, revealing all those hidden broken links and image URLs. I'm so grateful for its help!

The scheduled scans feature is a stroke of genius. It's like having a vigilant sentinel keeping an eye on my site's health. Thank you for this thoughtful addition.

One small suggestion I have is if the tool could also provide some straightforward advice on how to fix the broken links it finds. It would be like having a helpful navigator guiding me through the maze of web maintenance.

Thank you once again for the Dead Link Checker. With a few extra touches, it could be even more remarkable!

Warm regards,


feedback #30 By:


I hope you're all doing well. I just wanted to take a moment to extend my deepest gratitude for your outstanding tool, the Broken Link Checker. It's been like a detective for my website, uncovering all those elusive broken links and image...

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feedback #32 By:

Dear Broken Link Checker Team,

I wanted to send a quick note to express my gratitude for your excellent tool, the Broken Link Checker. It's been an invaluable ally in my quest to maintain a clean and efficient website, shedding light on all thos...

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